Dear Reader
It’s been a long week waiting for the final.
My only prediction is that Willie le Roux can only get better.

Reader’s Digest
Why Don’t We Know How to Protect Our Time? [5 minutes]
“We don’t realize that death hangs over all of us. Lifespans are averages. Nothing is guaranteed. More importantly, time, like money, compounds. So when you’re wasting time, you’re wasting not only the few minutes in front of you, but all that would have been possible had you saved it and directed it properly.”
The ‘Google Maps for Money’ [5 minutes]
“These are just a few consumer financial pain points that could be abstracted away with software, but the possibilities are many. Auto-finance could sign you up for insurance or transfer you to the most advantageous policy. If you’re an independent contractor, it could regulate your finances, including tax withholding, benefits, and savings. It could assist small businesses in optimizing cash flow.”
How to Use Occam’s Razor Without Getting Cut [7 minutes]
“In simpler language, Occam’s razor states that the simplest explanation is preferable to one that is more complex. Simple theories are easier to falsify. Simple solutions are easier to execute.
In other words, we should avoid looking for excessively complex solutions to a problem, and focus on what works given the circumstances. Occam’s razor can be used in a wide range of situations, as a means of making rapid decisions and establishing truths without empirical evidence. It works best as a mental model for making initial conclusions before the full scope of information can be obtained.”
Financial Addictions [5 minutes]
“I think a way we can determine if we’re addicted to something is to ask “What would happen if this goes away?” Would there be “anxiety, irritability, tremors, or nausea”? Or would it simply be disappointment, but not devastation?
That last phrase is what I believe is the key – disappointment vs devastation. We can enjoy something, and if it goes away be disappointed – and not be addicted. But if we enjoy something that goes away and we are devastated, I think addiction comes into play.”
How Much Time Should You Spend on Your Finances? [5 minutes]
“The goal shouldn’t be to allocate more time to managing your finances. The goal should be to spend 100x the amount of time doing the things you actually enjoy doing. But to get to a place where finances don’t take up too much of your time and have your financial house in order, you have to set things up in advance so you’re not constantly worrying about it.
Ignoring your finances and praying for a financial windfall is obviously not an option but neither is micromanaging your personal finances every single day. Eventually, you’ll either lose your mind or mess things up by overthinking things. Activity for the sake of activity does you no good if you only get in your own way.”
The Spectrum of Wealth [4 minutes]
“There is no objective level of wealth, because people compare themselves to other people’s money while adjusting to their own. It’s always been that way and will always be that way.
What would a spectrum of wealth look like if you described it with words, not numbers?”
🎙️ Tracking Your Life | Boyd Varty [68 minutes]
Born into a family of conservationists and trackers in South Africa, Boyd Varty began learning the art of tracking lions at a young age. Now, a storyteller, coach, tracker, activist, founder of the Good Work Foundation and the author of The Lion Tracker's Guide to Life, he's on a mission to help others find their own paths to healing, wholeness and wildness or, in his words, to “Track Your Life.”
Until next week,
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